The Covering Doctrine Uncovered

A few years ago I came across a website called Bread For the Bride in it I found several great and intriguing articles. I especially liked the one Uncovering the Covering Doctrine which was done very well. I obtained permission to re-post on my website then and have included it now on the updated version of my site.

Here is an excerpt…I hope it is enticing enough for you to read both parts.


“I hope you will be patient with me as I keep on talking like a fool. Please bear with me. I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself. For I promised you as a pure bride to one husband, Christ. But I fear that somehow you will be led away from your pure and simple devotion to Christ, just as Eve was deceived by the serpent. You seem to believe whatever anyone tells you, even if they preach about a different Jesus than the one we preach, or a different Spirit than the one you received, or a different kind of gospel than the one you believed.” ( 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 NLT)

In this two-part edition of Bread for the Bride I am inviting you to take a journey to freedom. Freedom, though, rarely comes without a cost, so be prepared for a few bumps and bruises along the way! My fervent prayer is that by the time you reach the end you will at the least be stirred to do some personal exploring of the scriptures, and at the most some long-held religiously-based mindsets will be shattered beyond hope of repair.

Firstly, though, let me share a little personal history in order to establish the fact that the teaching I offer you in this article has not been arrived at hastily, presumptuously, or with lack of experience in what is commonly known as “the church”. For almost my entire life I have been “churched”. Born to a Catholic-Italian father and an Anglican-Australian mother, anyone might have guessed there would be a few pot-holes along my spiritual path! I do remember at a very early age being taken by an uncle to a Catholic Mass, where the sheer majestic atmosphere of the church overwhelmed me. He must be some God! I thought. Later, I was introduced to Sunday School at a nearby Baptist Church by yet another conscientious relative, where the most important thing I learned was that God loved me. Good start! In my first year in high school a friend and her mother shared the gospel. As a result, alone in my bedroom, I experienced a life-changing revelation of Christ on the Cross. I was born again! Several years were then spent attending a local Anglican church with my friend. After some time I was allowed to teach the kindergarten Sunday School class, but was still forbidden to take communion because I had never undergone infant baptism. (That scenario had been too stressful for my Catholic father and Protestant mother!)

In my early twenties, through the encouragement of the same friend, I was baptised in the Holy Spirit. My husband and I started attending a little Assemblies of God church, where to my great delight I heard for the first time about the gifts and anointing of the Spirit. There followed nearly twenty years in that denomination, and during those years I was certain that I would spend the rest of my life there. God had other plans, however, and after a series of deep family crises which my church preferred not to know about, my husband and I found ourselves fellowshipping briefly at a Uniting Church (Methodist to American readers). Perhaps “fellowshipping” is not the right word. “Attending” might be more appropriate, as fellowship did not appear to be on offer. From there the journey through “churchianity” continued, when a Congregational Pastor friend who’d been Spirit-filled invited us along to his church. Alas, the pastor wanted the Spirit, but the congregation didn’t, so we, as well as the pastor, found ourselves being offered the left boot of fellowship! A major geographical move found our family churchless again, so off we went to find our new “spiritual home” among the local Pentecostals, trying several different flavours, but somehow we knew we weren’t fitting. God came to the rescue again, …… more

Thanks again to Great South Land Ministries

4 responses to “The Covering Doctrine Uncovered

  1. Hi, I just came upon this as I was enjoying your blogsite. I am the author of the above article. You might be interested to know we now have a Bread for the Bride blogsite on WordPress. Come by for a visit some time, and thanks for featuring the Uncovering the Covering Doctrine article here on your blog!

    • Hi there Cheryl!!
      Thanks for the post!
      I am now following your WP blog too. 🙂
      I have shared this article, [since first reading it and gaining re-post permission], over the past several years on my website

      Because of my job I am online sporadically so the blog and website suffer from inattention. 😦

      Is ‘The Great Southland’ site still up or did you move it all to WordPress?

      • Hi David, Thanks for subscribing to my blog and reblogging one of my postings. The Great South Land website is still going, but I felt it was time to move into the 21st century so started the Bread for the Bride blog in April this year. I am enjoying finding likeminded people like yourself in blog-world 🙂

        • You are quite welcome, Cheryl 🙂 I understand about the 21st century, lol.

          There have been several folks stopping by the blog who think much the same way. I have listed some of them under ‘My Blogroll’ and just added some under ‘Simple/Organic Groups’. You also might enjoy some of the e-books as well.

          I added Great Southland to the blogroll too. 🙂

          Many Blessings on you and yours!

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